Summary Submission Form

    Are you applying as a Research Organization (RO) or Independent Research Team?

    Research Organization (RO)
    Independent Researcher (IR)/Independent Research Team (IRT)

    State-ownedPrivate CompanyAcademic Institution

    Researchers' Profile


    Notable Project Completed by PI (Latest One)

    Co-Investigator 01 (If any)
    Co-Investigator 02 (If any)
    Co-Investigator 03 (If any)
    Co-Investigator 04 (If any)
    Co-Investigator 05 (If any)

    Grant Sought

    Standard GrantsUrgent Grants

    Amount Sought

    >=BDT 500,000BDT 500,000 to <=1,000,000BDT 1,000,000 to <=1,500,000BDT 1,500,000 to <=2,000,000

    Proposed Research Project

    Documents Check-list

    Research Organizations (ROs)
    Independent Researcher (IR)/Independent Researcher Teams (IRTs)

    1. A cover letter
    2. A complete and detailed research proposal
    3. Full description of the researcher or research team for the proposed research
    4. Full CV of the PI and the Co-Is evidencing experience and ability to implement the proposed research
    5. TIN certificates of the PI and the Co-Is
    6. Evidence of employment and evidence of relevant experience

    1. A cover letter
    2. A complete and detailed research proposal
    3. Full organizational profile describing experience and ability to implement the proposed research
    4. Evidence of experience and ability to implement the proposed research
    5. Full description of the research team for the proposed research
    6. Full CV of the PI and the Co-Is evidencing experience and ability to implement the proposed research
    7. VAT and TIN certificates of the RO
    8. Copy of certificate of incorporation or registration from relevant government agencies
    9. Copy of evidence of employment or engagement with the PI and the Co-Is (e.g. agreement paper, appointment letter)

    Founding Members