Tender Advertisement for Procurement of Goods.

Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market

BGIC Tower [Ground – 3rd Floors]

34, Topkhana Road, Dhaka-1000


Invitation for Tenders


Ref. No. BICM/Add/2013-01/33                                                                                      25 April, 2013


Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market [BICM] intends to procure items that are included in the BICM’s FY 2012-2013 approved budget. Now, tenders are hereby invited from the manufacturers/ suppliers, local agents in their official pad for purchasing of the following items for BICM:


1. Ministry Division Ministry of Finance, Bank and Financial Institutions Division
2. Agency Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market.
3. Procuring Entity Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market
4. Procuring Entity Code 2529
5. Procuring Entity District Dhaka
6. Invitation For Procurement of  Books, eBooks, Journals, Magazines and Vehicle.
7. Invitation Reference No. Ref. No. BICM/Add/2013-01/33                       25 April 2013
8. Budget and Source of Funds Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
9. Procuring Method Open Tender Method (OTM)
10. Development Partners Not Applicable


Particular of Information
11. Tender Publication Date April 25, 2013 (Selling date 25 April, 2013 to 15 May, 2013 during office hours).
12. Tender Last Selling Date 15 May, 2013 (during office hours)
13. Tender Closing Date and Time and Opening Time 16 May, 2013 at 11.30am [BST],  Tenders shall be opened  at 12 noon on the same day in presence of tenderer, tenderer (s) authorized representative(s) if any
14. Name and Address of the Office that will  Sell,  Receive and Open Tender Documents Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market, BGIC Tower Gr.-3rd Floor, 34 Topkhana Road, Dhaka 1000.
15. Eligibility of Tender As mentioned in the Tender document.
16. Brief Description of Goods and Bid Money i. Books and Periodicals Books, eBooks, Magazines and Journals
ii. Car One new Sedan car 1500cc
17. Lot No. Identification of Lot & Location 3% of the bid amount in the form of Payment Order favoring BICM, 34 Topkhana Road. Price of Tender Document (Tk.)


Time for completion

Lot No. (i)&(ii)

BICM 34 Topkhana Rd.

3% of  the bid amount for each component Tk. 2000 [Two thousand] to be paid in the form of Pay Order in favor of BICM 30 working days


Designation, Address & Contact Details of the Officials Inviting Tenders Executive President, Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market, BGIC Tower [3rd Floor], 34 Topkhana Road, Dhaka 1000. Tell No. +88 02 9515771-2, Fax – 88 02 9515774  E-mail epbicm@gmail.com


Special Instructions The tender will be evaluated on item basis.
The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any/all tenders (wholly/partly)





Executive President

Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market

BGIC Tower Gr.-3rd Floor

34 Tophkana Road

Dhaka – 1000

Founding Members